And Astro joined the fully evolved team. Haven't had much time to play yet this week but did get around to beating Byron. Some confusion nonsense nearly killed Pecel Lele, but Bastiodon was a pushover like always and went down from a single Close Combat. Having a lot of fun with this team.
I did realise I'm starting to get a little underlevelled though. I completely forgot to do Iron Island, so I'm probably gonna go there so we can train a bit before moving on to the team Galactic stuff. I'm sure those Magikarp can wait a bit.
>>57345114Glad to see Oof is still going strong! Unfortunately I'm starting to lag behind you now lol.
Thanks for reminding me Candice's Medicham knows Ice Punch, I would've definitely sent Radical out against it otherwise.
>>57344732It was a really weird decision and I'm glad they realised it sucks and got rid of it. Especially because I'm pretty sure it's just for the rare encounters for some reason?
>>57342957Platinum Fantina is a real bitch. If you still have a bidoof it might be worth bringing it to help switching without getting shadow balled. And like the other guy said, bring berries.
>>57338920>>57339031Just run around for 5 hours lmao. Does gen 4 have different friendship mechanics or something? It always feels like they take longer in the sinnoh games for some reason.