Sorry to all the trubbish lovers out there, I couldn't get her to the end. That rotation battle on route 7 is so annoyingly placed, and I had Joltik in the front so I didn't expect the rotate into Swoobat.
Skyla herself was no big deal against Phobia and Oars. After getting a Boldore encounter in Mount Twist I could guarantee Berserk the Axew from Mistralton cave (whose name didn't reflect her nature). Been a few games since I last had a dragon type on the team and the Haxorus line is super cool, so I'm expecting great things.
Then basically everyone evolved at around the same time levels, including Munna who finally learned Psychic. Love the way the team looks rn.
As for the Ice gym.. King Louie used Fire Punch (and Flare Blitz against Beartic for good measure). Now it's time for some team plasma stuff.
By the way, do you guys consider the inside and outside of dragonspiral tower two different encounters? I personally wasn't planning on doing so but I was wondering what the general consensus was.
>>54699942You can get some heart scales in Platinum, right? Should be fine if you haven't used them all. Timid nature does suck though.
>>54698760That's a cool run, happy to hear it went well. Wouldn't Dugtrio be the first one available in Diglett's cave though? Or did you not want to use an overlevelled one?
>>54696816Not doing a full autismlocke but I'm only counting survivors. I want to give the fallen guys a chance to redeem themselves and I'm too sentimental to sacrifice something just so I can use another in the future lol.
>>54694867>>54695642>>54694803Cute art as always! RIP to Will Vandom, sad to see Bellibolt fall.
>>54694413Yeah Clay's difficulty is a bit dependent on how dumb the AI decides to be that day. In hindsight I could've switched into Oars turn 1, but I didn't wanna risk sturdy being broken.
What HP type is John?