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Ok, it’s the anniversary of my grandpa’s passing so i’m gonna pour one out to him tonight and share a story. Me and him weren’t so close but he decided to leave me his estate way out in the country side. Grandpa was a naturalist and collected a lot of literature on Pokémon and herbs, even had a thriving orchard he guarded with magnemites he left the family after passing.
>Be me, poorfag that wants a breeder’s liscense to sell some grass types or something.
>be reading interesting stuff on making giant pumpkaboos
>Hear loud scream outside house during rainstorm
>Go outside with trusy Magnemite grandad called Sparkstar.
>see Noibat getting bodied by a group of floette, Sparkstar intictively wrecks their shit, grandpa trained him for this
>secure Noibat, not an liscened trainer so PokémonCerters are out of the question for a poorfag like me that sells herbs to a Mom&Pop shop
>somehow able to fix up the little thing with grandpa’s herbal remedies, thanks grandpa
>try releasing it because I can’t feed it herbs and berries forever
>It won’t go and lives in herb garden
FastForwards a month and i’m breeding for big pumpkaboos like grandpa would’ve wanted, got some orders from a rich family
>I decide to let Noibat stick around since it isn’t hurting them and I name her Violet
>Violet constantly getting beat up by fairy pests that Sparkstar can’t round up and shoo away
>Learn how to dress wounds and injuries like grandpa did
>eventually Violet doesn’t get hurt too bad anymore and can shrug off fairy vermin attacks
>She becomes friends with Sparkstar and they guard my Pumpkaboo patch
>find a note from grandpa one day in his Pokémon handling book
“Anon, if you’re reading this and you’re breeding grass types like I was, then I’m proud of you. Make sure those fairies don’t steal them during harvest, they can’t fight back immediately after being picked.” -grandpa