>>44248646I was waiting for this.
Copy pasted from notepad.
It is I, the mono grass boy.
Because the game fucked me, it fucked me!
Anyways, made my way to Rustboro City.
I showed Roxxane the hardest rock of all, my dick, and fucked her ass.
Battle summary:
>Geodude survives Absorb, Rock Tomb almost kills Sam Fisher>Roxxane uses a potion, Sam Fisher crits and kills the dude>Sam Fisher levels up (14)>"It's super effective">Deals basically no damage, it's as if he resists grass>Rock Tomb chunks Sam Fisher>Nosepass in now faster, Rock Throw connects>Sam Fisher almost dead>Absorb heals close to nothing>Sam Fisher is slow and weak, I'm not losing my starter like this>Switch to Kocaqi, Rock Throw misses (#Blessed)>Nosepass is faster, Rock Throw connects, Kocaqi almost dead>Absorb deals basically no damage and heals like 3 HP>I decide to sacrifice Kocaqi in hopes of saving my other Pokemon>Roxxane uses a Potion, Absorb heals Kocaqi another 3 HP>Well, this fucking sucks>It's either Koraqui dies or my entire team and I fail the run>Rock Throw hits, Kocaqi dies>Nosepass just a bit below half HP>Spruce Lee is all I got left, Sam can't survive a switch and Toodles stands no chance>Nosepass is faster, Spruce Lee tanks a Rock Throw, sets up Leech Seed>Next turn another Rock Throw connects, Spruce Lee still stands>Spruce Lee is taking these attacks a lot better than Kocaqi>Absorb + Leech Seed do just enough to finish Nosepass>Spruce Lee levels up (11)Honestly didn't expect to lose anybody with THREE GRASS TYPES, but whatever, that's life I guess.
Next is I don't fucking know, I'm playing semi blind off of memory from many years ago,
Should be easy with 2 grass types and a Skitty HM Slave...