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I have three wishlists.
Pokemon Stars (Outright third version)
>Minor changes to the storyline that could've been easily present in Sun and Moon, such as emphasis on Gladion and Type: Null ala Lilie and Nebby
>Colress working alongside the Aether foundation, and having him be the one to work on Type: Null.
>Some more backstory with already existing characters
>Mega Evolutions of Alolan Pokemon, keeping Ultra Beasts, Tapus and every Legendary except for maybe Silvally from having them.A lot of pokemon in Alola just need better stats and distributions (Vikavolt and Kommo-o in particular)
>Necrozma Psychic/Dragon form, who's gimmick is seven forms each sporting a different color of the rainbow. However, these forms do very little, and are more or less pallate swaps with types. Think more Arceus rather then Kyurem or Zygarde.
>More pokemon trainers at the Battle Tree. Pretty much all of the characters who got models in X and Y/ORAS, outside of playable characters
>Rework the Zygarde cells and give me a way to see which ones I got.
>Have there be some sort of Z episode to give Zygarde some purpose.have him fight Necrozma, Guzzlord, an Ultra Beast horde, hell pull Lysarde from the fucking dead and have him use an anti-zygarde if you need to. just give me something.