>>37968177Feels like their life is out of their control
>>37968226Can't distinguish anymore who they really are from the face they put on for others.
>>37968238A whimiscal outlook on life, ready to go where the wind takes them
>>37968243Completely satisfied to be the homebody or hermit. Leave high adventure for the heroes in their favorite stories. Their adventure is in here.
>>37968274Sees potential in everything. An optimist at heart and an empathetic friend.
>>37968275Finds compassion for and companionship with those who society traditionally deems fearful or filthy. Perhaps has contrarian tendencies.
>>37968317Standoffish towards and mistrusting of strangers, cynical in outlook. A steadfast and loyal friend to those they keep.
>>37968327Love to laugh and maintain a great sense of humor. Always poking fun at themselves to break tension with strangers.
>>37968352Wiser than your years would suggest. Perceptive and thoughtful, looking before leaping would be an understatement. You want to do things the right way the first time around.
>>37968356You have plenty of love to spread around and you're not afraid to show it. You are the glue to every relationship, and your enthusiasm inspires those around you to action.