Quoted By:
>battling randoms in the union room
>usually inexperienced players with their starters and legends
>always win, getting bored
>decide to stay for one more match
>guy accepts my battle request
>no starters, looks like a solid team, but I'm basically undefeated against random so I'm not worried
>match starts. I lay my hazards as usual
>He take out my lead, and send in a defogger
>(obviously) banded scizor makes quick work of 2 more of my mons
>dude double switches, throwing me off
>reads a bunch of my moves
>comes down to my Feraligatr vs Alakazam
>I stupidly Ddance thinking I'll one shot it on the next turn
>zam had focus sash and knocks me out
>we both do a swirly dance to signify gg
>he opens a trade request snd gives me a 5IV Abra. I give him a 5IV Skarm
>he asks for another battle (rematch)
>I win, swept 4 of his mons with a nasty plot azelf
>trade again
>he gives me a 5IV Dratini, I give him a 5IV Torchic
>3rd match
>comes down to the wire but I win thanks to a flinch
>we both swirly dance and run around the union room
Why can't all random interactions be this wholesome?