>>25297993Season 3 ( Tamers ) is the one most digimon fans would agree is the best. If you watch only one, Tamers is the one to watch.
you can also check out seasons 1 ( Adventure ), 5 ( The one where a kid punches digimon ), and 6th ( The one with Shoutmon ).
Ignore season 2 ( Adventure 2 ), and 7 ( Shoutmon 2) . Season 4 ( Frontier ) is a mixed bag.
Best digimon games would be Digimon world 1 and 2 ( PS1 ) . Digimon reDigitize ( PSP ) is a remake of Digimon world and is either love it or hate it. Digimon Dawn/Dusk ( NDS ) is pretty good but a bit of a grind.
Digimon: Cyber Sleuths ( ps4 ) is the latest and has garnered pretty big praise. I haven't played it myself.