>>45412739either a fag, or based chad
>>45412781probably has a tattoo
>>45412801oh you.... I know you.....
>>45412806does *finger guns* way too often
>>45412821knows how to breakdance
>>45412830has an unordnary habit, like origami, or knitting
>>45414294christian, or part of some religion
>>45414494flexible, can multitask well
>>45414506has fucked every female in his country at least once
>>45414972you would be a good businessman
>>45414989has an IQ of roughly 120-130
>>45415031smokes weed
>>45415105messed up sleep schedule
>>45415124you're just based
>>45415136likes coffee, considers himself an enthusiast
>>45415268absolutely, absurdly based in every way possible
>>45416245you're based, and your favorite game is... hmm... Destiny 2
>>45416379the silently judgmental type, but actually approachable and nice to be around
these threads are comfy