>>18612680>'I used to think that I was the only person with secrets in this town, if only because everybody else was so terribly boring in comparison. As it turns out, there indeed existed far weirder things in the world, 'Alice hugs her legs and starts to rock herself. To keep the discussion alive, she starts to infect it with filler words, "Hmmmmm~, fun, fun, fuuuuuun...~ What IS fuuuuuuuuun?...hmmmmmm..."
"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-Wait! I got it!"
"What? What do you got?"
Alice gets on her knees and leans in close to Chople's face, "B'fore I met 'm poppy, all I did was wander 'round the region and have super duper fun 'ventures all on 'm own. I didn't know much, I could only say one word, I didn't know anybody, I was so alooone and had no munnies! I don't 'member much of it noooooow that I think 'bout it, but there is ONE memory that sticks out!~ And, and, you'll never b'lieve it, but it's the most fun I ever had 't date! Not even anything poppy's done could beat it, seeee, it goes like this!"
>What is Alice's 'fun defined' memory from her wander years?