Ursaring story from
>>56568981 translated with chatgpt
>"So we can’t run away. Your father would strip us of our fur and discard us in the end. That’s why my family, even after death, still remains in this village. No one knows where they should go. That’s why they don’t come back to us.The son lowered his sword and spoke: 'What you say is certainly true. It’s understandable that you’re angry. But we have no choice either. If we don’t use your fur, we can’t survive here. We’d freeze to death. That’s why we need you. It’s the same as how you need the nuts from the trees. The same as how you need Magikarp. Yes, surely it’s no different from digging in the earth to make a burrow.
But my father and mother went too far. However, I won’t go too far. I won’t do such things anymore. I don’t even need this sword.'"