>>24784868The tie was randomized."Er... Okay then, man! Whatever you say!" you say, casually snapping fingers at the booby, figuring that it's best to just let him do his thing for now. "You uh.. You get back to filling in those potholes then.. I guess. Good.. luck?"
Boober plops himself on the ground, focusing acutely on the rotten hole with a minute flame trailing from his pudgy beak.
"Mm...... Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooober....... Boooooooooooooober do goooooooooooood now........... Phil in the empties......the cooooooooool empties.... No drafts allowed..... No empties......."You can only hope that the rest of Phil'erup's civilians are more on-point with reality.
>'These holes are a bigger problem than I thought..'