I was not aware many flying type moves can hit any other target on the field during a triple battle. I was hoping to take out Charles' entire team on turn 1 with razor leaf and rock slide + thunderpunch on Sigilyph, but the plan was completely ruined by Wide Guard. I was confident Evergreen could take an air cutter, but then the pluck came from the other side of the field, ending Leavanny's journey. Triple and rotation battles will always call me out without fail. At least I have Driftveils banger music to cheer me up.
Clay was cleanly swept by Bushido the Dewott, made easy by Excadrill deciding to try Metal Clawing me instead of anything else. For now I've added N's Zoroark to the team because it was easy to grind and strong, but I'm not sure if I'll keep him around. It's really bothering me that I can't actually nickname him in-game. Was also thinking of dropping Diva soon, but we got a shiny stone anyway and the move relearner coming up can teach it rock blast which sounds pretty fun with technician.
PWT next and luckily this time I actually have something to fight Colress for me.
Also decided to add shinies from all runs so far this time. Gyarados doesn't really count since he's from lake of rage but oh well.
>>54792760Damn that's some dedication. If you got an Occa berry then Blizzard Abomasnow destroys Cynthia's Garchomp. E4 should be a cakewalk as long as you have coverage.
>>54791266Lance has a pretty scary team in the rematch so great job! Is Red all that remains now?
>>54790444All my niggas hate that Watchog, it's such a menace.
>>54789602Remind me, what Psychic/Steel type did you lose last time? Trapping abilities always scare me, it's why I never spend more time in Diglett Cave than absolutely necessary.
>>54789140I think the Oddish line is just better than Chikorita's anyway so using a shiny one is definitely worth it.