>>44725300Do you believe in the multiverse, walkcuck?
> I do.You see, it might be difficult for your walkie brain to comprehend, but using the principles of quantum mechanics the spoofer knows that the universe we inhabit is not the only one of its kind. In the sixth dimension, the dimension of all possible organizations of matter, a virtually infinite number of worlds exists- each slightly different from the last.
Keeping up, walkie? I know all of that walking and monotonous Pidgey catching must be like soaking your brain in Coca Cola.
If the multiverse exists, I want you to consider this. There is also an infinite number of variations of yourself, walkcuck. Yes, that's right. And an infinite number of variations of myself as well. There's also an infinite amount of Dragonites and Tyranitars for us to snipe as well, but let's stay off that topic for the time being.
You see, throughout space and time and all of existence, the spoofer is present. Each day we devote ourselves to a new endeavor, a new pursuit of knowledge. Today I might pick up the flute, or paint a dazzling portrait of a forgotten love. Tomorrow I may cook a lasagna or learn how to speak Portuguese.
Every day. And each variant of myself likewise is breaking extraordinary barriers, exploring the depths of human knowledge and creativity. In all the multiverse there is a swarm of spoofers, taken together possessing an infinite range of talents, carving out the darkness of ignorance with extraordinary speed.
And there are also endless walkies, catching endless trashmons for endless Hankes.
You should really try broadening your horizons sometime, walkie. You never know what conclusions you'll reach.