New this week:
>Carnivine Try'ems>Registeel Special Stage (400 coins) [PSBs]>Mew EB (500 Stages)>Shiny Rayquaza Competitive Stage (Meteorite)>Pikachu (Alola Cap) Special Stage>Try'ems, Weekend Meowth, and Tons of EXP Points are back to Pre-Alola Pokemons>No MamoswineOld stuff from last week:
>Daily Pokémon #9 (Pyukumuku, Oricorio (Sensu), Mudbray, Dartrix, Oricorio (Baile))>Deoxys Attack Forme Ultra Challenge (500 coins)>Cresselia Special Stage [PSBs]>Regirock Special Stage (400 coins) [PSBs]>Pikachu (Rayquaza Costume) Once per Day [RML]>Shiny Rayquaza & Pikachu (Shiny Rayquaza Costume) SafariSafari rates:
>Shiny Rayquaza Pikachu has an Encounter Rate of 2% implying anything else mattersWhat to grind?:
>Regirock for the lulz, Don't Bother for Cress or RegisteelComing soon? (Rumored since GS already meme'd us before they could meme us again):
>Meloetta (Pirouette)>Ho-oh>Hitmonlee>Raikou>A new Pokemon Safari (Caterpie, Metapod, Venonat, Venomoth, Burmy (Trash), Wormadam (Trash))>Butterfree Once a Day>Daily Pokemon #1>Mewtwo Score Challenge (The higher you score, the better Enhancements you get)>Mega Pinsir never :^)Compilation of useful links: to clear and S-Rank stages: list of skills: GS break patterns again and we never get Regice and Regigigas