Greetings, this is Showderp! Where we give an earthling dubbed "champ" 6 anonymously suggested Pokemon and go on to watch and cheer as he wages war on Pokemon Showdowns ladder. Peace was never an option.
If champs current team is way too outta this world he'll call "new team" where the 6 fastest anons to suggest in time shall see their Pokemon on champs newest team. If champ must return to his people he'll call "new champ" where the fastest trip to claim shall become our newest champ! Calls only count in thread. Dont understand? Lurk if you're feeling
ALIENATED.>Starfighters:http://memebasemon.com >Home Phoning:>Sporadic Strange Space Sounds:>Current Champ:TheJollyFlyingMan !xyI13CV1Qw