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You know what would really fix Ice type? Ice types that actually feel cold and do cold well. Pretty much every type has a theme most of them are built around:
>Water - Evenly balanced in everything with a bit more focus on special attack
>Grass - Recovery moves and HP draining
>Electric - Speed above everything else
You know what Ice's gimmick could have been? SHOULD have been? Stalling and status. Cold slows things down. Chemical reactions can't happen if molecules don't move quickly enough. Water freezes. Plants die. Below a certain temperature electronics won't hold a charge. Bugs, and Normal animals, all sorts of other things don't last very long in cold environments. Ever try to walk through a foot of snow? Not easy. Even in snowshoes.
But instead of buffing Ice types up by nerfing other types, what we really need? We need a move/ability/buff added on to Hail to more reliably deal out the Frozen status condition so it can actually be called a game mechanic or at the very least more Ice types to get moves that decrease speed, attack, and special attack and/or flinch opponents so that Ice can be what it should be - debilitating at first, and deadly after too many little things like frostbite and hypothermia set in. Ice shouldn't be the type you have to worry about keeping your Flying and Grass types away from. Ice should be the type you have to worry about running out of PP against, not because your attacks keep missing, but because you're so weakened and burden down with stat decreases and status ailments that they all hit and do fuck all. Because you have recovery moves, but you don't know if you'll be able to use them next turn, or the turn after that. Because you have to practically set your allies on fire just to thaw them out, warm them up, and keep them alive.
So it's fine if Ice types are mostly slow and defensive. But it's not fine if they can't pass that same effect onto anything else.