Quoted By:
> Be in college, some years ago
> I'm new to the school
> I meet this guy who also likes pokemon
> We become friends and start talking about pokemon every day
> He starts talking how much he likes Nidoking and Charizard and how he's a fan of stephen amell (the arrow guy)
> I told him i've never watched Arrow, but i know who the guy is
> He starts talking about Stephen and Nidoking
> ihaveafriend.png
> 1 week or so later he tells me he's an artist
> Oh cool!
> He shows me various of his stuff, all pretty nice
> I notice there's like 4 or 5 NSFW draws, i ask him about it
> He opens them
> First draw is a Giant naked Stephen Amell cumming in the entire city
> The second one is Nidoking having sex with Stephen Amell
> The 3 and 4 ones are Stephen Amell/ Nidoking vore ( I still remember the draw, stephen amell voring my friend (he drew himself) while he burps and says "so tasty BRAAAP!"
> excusemewhathefuck.png
> There's something wrong, anon?
> I told him i have to go
> Ignored him in the college
Jesus, what the fuck is wrong with people?