>>55777660I don't think it's that simple.
Not to toot my own horn, but I have almost every resource in Pokemon singleplayer that I can use to produce a team as fast as anyone if not faster. I have many EV training items, many dittos, and know the techniques to breed and hatch batches of Pokemon at a time, and if they don't need 0 attack or 0 speed I can simply bottlecap if I feel too lazy to even see that to completion. I have generations of Pokemon from Home and trading fodder to put towards GTS to acquire anything I want. Well, ALMOST anything...
As said before, legends and exclusive Pokemon are the biggest difficulty. I can't just give myself a new encounter with a legend I already caught or a Pokemon from a previous game. Go lets be catch basically infinite legendaries if they're in the legend rotation (I think they're up to gen 6 or 7 right now), but I'd be patient, roll the dice, and need to transfer them to even see the IVs in Home. Hisuan Pokemon are similar, I can't see an Ursuluna or the one-of-a-file's Enamorus' IVs before transferring them, and you must save your file when transferring, so if that Enamorus isn't perfect I need to do the whole file all over again.
Having hacked a Pokemon with those perfect 0 IVs even today means you skip all of that and have the comfort of knowing whatever your stat brings (slowest in TR, least Foul Play damage, etc) in a fight against someone in a tournament, which is quite a significant advantage seldomly, but significant nonetheless when it comes up, to game winning extents.
Since the rules clearly state it is illegal, and it gives you an advantage that hours MAY (keyword may, no guarantee) grant you, I do feel slighted if my opponent can get those for free and I can't.