>>48782777 I dont want to make a witty reply at OP larping as IceFox and insult his catholic upbringing or his dogwanking hypocrisy today...
I wont post cropped pokeporn to make him seethe again...
I dont want to partake in this stupid conversation on topic if monster-fucking healthy, moral, legal, safe or dangerous to any party...
I dont want to drink tea made from a boiled alive Vaporeon and suck any FoxFish popsicles that reek of seaweed...
I dont want to eat grilled Houndooms with Jasmine, even if its a potent aphrodisiac...
I dont want a CaesarSalad made from Oddish...
I dont want to live like this anymore...
I dont want to live at all now...
I just want my beloved man-faced Goat-Panther back home...
Good job, you won Galarian...