>>57532585Sorry :/ It's only has a little bit committed in ad spend so hopefully it should run out soon. I've lowered how often a single person can see it per day, but apparently so few people actually visit /vp/ that it makes it a really slow process. I had fun reading everyone's responses in yesterday's thread. I'm usually just a lurker and very rarely post cards from my collection or cool sets I'm working on. Mostly I'm just here to lurk.
I fully acknowledge the egregious pricing right now. Last summer was bliss when we could order sets at normal price and sell MSRP. Sadly, it's almost impossible to order JP sets now unless you go through scalpers, which is why the pricing is so high. My prices tend to be a little lower than TCG player when you account for shipping costs, and I tend to sell at a loss since most of my business is based on other collectibles. My English suppliers also essentially dropped me from their program because I wasn't willing to buy their unsellable garbage for a single ETB.
Apologies for the ad spend. You can also blame hirom00t I guess because the reason you see my ad so much is because there's like 5 active ads at any given point.