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>SS Blue
Nothing to be said here. Absolute monster of a sync pair and cannot be contested by anyone for this spot.
The best DPS in the game with a ridiculous kit and is a benefiter of weather/terrain.
Debuffing that allows for damage multipliers on many dps pairs, and non conventional clears with stall and a very strong sync nuke. Bypassing the Kyogre/Groudon fights should be proof enough.
Not much to be said here. Enables weather while being an impressive tank and offering free moves, potions, and buffs.
>Archie, Leon, Emmet, Marnie
All strong DPS pairs with easy double dps potential, simple unga bunga.
>SS Leaf
The best poison/stall enabler in the game with nice bulk and healing.
>Maxie, Red
Similar to the tier above they pump out damage but are slightly more awkward with the lack of a solid sun support.
>Cynthia, Raihan
Huge benefits from Sand having the best support bar Bianca and psychic terrain. Very valuable as the second dps to Emmet, could both be a tier higher but I decided here as they are not the main reason why the sand teams are good.
>Diantha, Alder, SS Cynthia, SS Leon
Everyone here has no benefits from weather or terrain and have something awkward about their kit. When built around can still produce amazing results and should always be a free clear in most content.
The access to Electric Terrain really helps and can dismiss a lot of LA restrictions. Uncomfortably awkward kit, personally holding back Electric Terrain meta.
The definition of powercreep and a poorly aged kit. No self buffs, physical sync with special moves. His damage is no longer strong enough to keep up with all of his faults but a special Hilbert could give him similar use to a worse E. May.
No weather, no terrain, low damage output. Flinching is not as good as it used to be and the damage powercreep has really caught up to Steven along side Support EX meta.