>>Favorite PokemonSalamence
>>Mental DisorderPretty introverted neurotic.
>>Favorite Gym LeaderHad to think about this for a while but probably Norman.
>>Favorite Type:Dragon.
>>Thing you hate about /vp/Pokemon being pretty well known, you get a little more of the casual and the cancer than you would get on the more obscurer boards. Sometimes the SFW rules.
>>Thing you hate about 4chanNothing in particular. Kinda like this place. Got gripes with a couple of seperate boards but not 4chan as a whole.
>>most Autistic Pokemon Experience780+ hours in Soul Silver, have about 5 shinies in that game too. Pokemon must have the gender i feel is appropriate to them.
>>Most Autistic experience in general.No decision must be made out of social pressure. People who do this are weak and inferior to me.
>>Favorite FoodPizza.
>>Favorite DrinkMilk
>>Political BeliefsLIberal but i like to keep an open mind.
>>Religious BeliefsAutonomous judgement is the only judgement. Batman is my lord and savior.
>>Have you ever been arrested? (if so explain why)No.
>>Favorite Pokegirl (or pokeboy if gay man or girl)Blue/Yellow. Cynthia for in-game.
>>Smogonfag or Karenfag?Neither. Like to come up with stuff myself.
>>Favorite Pokemon GameEmerald/Soul Silver
>>Favorite Pokemon RegionHoenn.
>>Beta or alpha?2hipster2conform. I am the Omega.