>>48948695And I remember wets here said "early 2022 could be after pokémon day" only to get told.
Industry standard is to allow a month between game releases and new information reveals. So if they're releasing a game in January and their anniversary celebration day is roughly a month later, chances are they're going to announce the next game in their series then. They *don't* aim to launch their kiddy core games at any other stage but Christmas holiday window, to earn the greatest potential revenue (there, BDSP as the kiddy core game, to make sure they keep Christmas in play, before launching Legends 2 months later) so that makes a reveal later in the year unlikely, because it's not just Game Freak, but Nintendo who make bank when a new pokémon game releases (Switch sales in Japan jumped 81,000 to 168,000 in BDSP's launch week also).
But keep thinking everyone running the brand's as retarded as you children. that's why it's so funny when they announce a new game and retards spack out - it's almost as if they don't understand releasing new shit makes them money, skipping releases hampers their revenue take.