maylene down, kind of sucked. losing a lot of pokemon. barry sabotaged me during the saturn tag team fight, and the ace trainers on the pre-veilstone routes surprised me with weather ball roserade. maylene went way off what i hoped the strategy would be.
>kill medicham no problem with gengar>suddenly gallade comes out so i send in gardevoir, i wanted to set up on gallade with gardevoir but zen headbutt does too much so i just moonblast>toxicroak comes out, i send in gengar and try to bait sucker punch but it keeps using ice punch, so i just psychic>lucario comes out, expecting a dark pulse but the fucker uses flash cannon as i swap into azumarill, azu takes way too much damage so i have to sack it (in retrospect, should have sacked parasect)>send in gyarados to DD in its face, it sets up agility, it hits me with a weak aura sphere as i hit with eq to take it to its focus sash, then as maylene heals i dd again and sweep the lucario and the rest of her teamNot pretty. i also won't get another water/fairy type which really sucks. still have to push on, though
>>47621271hariyama definitely seems like the ultimate bro for hoenn, especially for everything up to norman. good luck for flannery
>>47620818imo no, i think pinwheel clause is only really a thing because pinwheel forest is weirdly set up, the entire point of the safari zone is that there's an enormous amount of variety throughout the zones. but it's your run so do what you want
>>47618413good job!
and no, resetting the entire autismlocke if you fail once sounds fucking horrible