Quoted By:
>be a month ago
>go to my gf's friend's birthday party
>gf's friend has a little brother, we'll call him Jr for the sake of brevity
>he's no older than 14
>shit's going slow, everyone's playing CoD 53
>I pull out my 3DS and pick up where I left off in Etrian Odyssey IV
>Jr notices my DS, gf mentions that I play Pokemon
>Jr's eyes light up
>"What version do you have?!"
>"Y, you?"
>"I have X"
>the kid's fucking estatic, starts talking about his team
>starts spouting "Mew behind the truck" tier absurdities, ie: a shiny Ditto increases the chance of hatching a shiny pokemon
>politely correct him
>keeps chatting a bit while watching the older teens playing CoD 46
>asks "Are you good at battling?"
>trying my best to hide power level
>accept his challenge
>his team consists of Venusaur, Torrent Greninja, his Event Blaziken, M-Lucario, Aegislash and Gardevoir
>end up sweeping him with my shiny Bulky QD Volcarona
>switch once to mix it up, he manages to take out my Greninja
>feel kinda bad, trade him my spare shiny Machamp