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Yeah I'll start.
>poorfag as a child, no gameboy, no pokemon games or friends who had one
>want to play pokemon for a long time
>finally get 3DS and virtual console games
>complete pokedex in red, blue, yellow
>going to get a complete shiny pokedex in crystal
>haven't seen a single shiny yet (except the gyarados)
>talking to friend about it
>they played pokemon as a kid, ruby/sapphire/emerald
>he's heard of shinies, but doesn't really give a shit about them
>just likes to fuck around and do dumb/funny shit in all his video games
>doesn't care how rare something is
>its cool
>we start talking about shiny hunting and shiny sprites
>start going to google and looking at shiny comparisons
>his favorite gen 3 starter was treecko
>"Hey what color is shiny sceptile?"
>it's blue
>"isnt it supposed to be blue?"
>show him shiny sceptile sprite
>"yeah that's what mine looked like"
>the first time he ever played a pokemon game and his starter was shiny
>played through the whole game with just his starter, only catching other pokemon for HMs
>he had no idea
>we look at more pokemon
>"Uhh, isn't that a normal seaking?"
>he had like 4 pokemon on the whole cartridge and 2 were shiny
>he started with one and only caught the other for surf
>I cannot believe this shit, he is fucking with me so hard
>ask if he still has the save
>says he started a new game over it to try one of the other starters
>I die inside a little
>we start going through a list of shiny gen 3 sprites
>"Wait, so ralts isn't blue either?"
>why did you even get a ralts?
>"I didn't like torchic so I just caught the first pokemon I saw and used it as my starter"
>he is absolutely fucking with me
>there's no way
>show him a video where some guy went through like 60,000 random encounters before finding a shiny ralts, specifically hunting for it
>his jaw drops to the floor
>he was not fucking with me
When I start the shiny dex in earnest I am having him hold my 3DS first.