>>36392943>Favourite Sinnoh area?Mt. Coronet.
Everything from the mysterious piano music to the high amount of stuff to explore to the snowy outside area, it's always one of my highlights of every Sinnoh playthrough.
>Favourite Sinnoh song?The song that plays during Rowan's introduction and in his lab. In my eyes it's THE main theme of Sinnoh and captures the spirit of these games perfectly, they get you hyped for the adventure but also sound somewhat bitter sweet. Personally also the best out of all the introduction songs and in general really underrated.
>Favourite Sinnoh starter?Torterra
Favourite Sinnoh character?
Well, Candice and Mars are the top tier waifus in this Gen. In terms of actual character I guess Crasher Wake.
>Favourite Sinnoh legendary?There's really not a single one that stands out as my personal favourite. They range from solid to underwhelming