>>26516553A television show or video game are a little more involved than someone posting lies on the internet, don't you think? This thread is hardly a conceptualized production or a character driven narrative. If you can look at a guy saying "Sun and Moon will have 5 new types and the champion is Volkner" and absorb the same amount of entertainment that you would get from watching Memento, then I guess that's out of my hands. All I can say is that you are astonishingly easy to enthrall.
Regardless, nothing about my case has changed. To willingly indulge someone in knowingly feeding you misinformation is, by the books, not smart. By all laws of rationality, it is the opposite of an intelligent thing to do. That's not my opinion. If someone finds it genuinely fun, then hats off to them, but I still highly doubt the majority of people in this thread operate with such bizarre standards.