>>39284453Vs Cynthia
>SpiritombSpitz Swaggers Spiritomb, who hurt itselfs twice, allowing Spitz to get Light Screen up safely. Light Clay means it'll stick around, too!
Crunch meets Embargo as Spiritomb sobers up, but a Thunderbolt takes it out.
>GastrodonI send Isabelle in on the expected Earthquake.
Muddy Water causes an Accuracy drop, and I have Isabelle Toxic the Sea Slug.
With Levitate making Earthquake unlikely, I abuse this to get Dedede in. He takes a Stone Edge before Choice Specs Grass Knot takes Gastrodon out.
>GarchompI send in Isabelle on what I expect to be Earthquake, but I'm even luckier- Giga Impact is the move used. Isabelle uses the free turn to set up Trick Room.
The next turn is spent on Toxic as Garchomp Dragon Rushes into Isabelle.
ChestoRest to heal ends up giving me a fantatic opportunity- Garhomp Giga Impacts again.
Dedede can thus come in on the Recharge turn and Ice Beam Garchomp to death while still in Trick Room!
>LucarioIsabelle once again comes in on an Earthquake.
Lucario uses Dragon Pulse to little effect as Trick Room is set up once more.
Two Earthquakes end Lucario, who manages to sneak in an Aura Sphere.
>MiloticI'm not sure how hard Milotic will hit, so I use Trick Room to get a Rest off. Surf does slightly less than I expected, could have held off a slight bit.
Milotic then Surfs and uses two Ice Beams as Isabelle sleeps, with Isabelle using Toxic as she wakes up. Isabelle is too injured to keep fighting or really safely get another Rest, so I send Dedede in... on Mirror Coat.
I quickly reconsider. Dedede needs to oneshot with Choice Specs Grass Knot, else Mirror Coat could be the end of him.
I send in Rita instead, as Milotic Aqua Rings.
Fake Out does its usual thing, and then Return... barely fails to kill, and Milotic gets an Ice Beam in before succumbing to Toxic damage.
>RoseradeAt this point, I'm home safe.
Kagami comes in, Metal Sounds Roserade, and finishes the Nuzlocke with a Psychic.