Quoted By:
>Mega Blaziken can be stoped
Yeah, I want to run fucking Talonflame, Azumarill and Slowbro on every team. That doesn't sound boring and overcentralising at all
>Mega Gengar can be stopped
How the fuck do you "stop" something with Shadow Tag and why do people think they can. It can be killed, it can be escaped from with Volt-Turn, but you really can't stop it from doing it from what it's meant to do, which is trap and kill threats to your main sweeper core. And only a shitty player is going to switch into a non-immune attack or a Volt-Turner. Or use it as a sweeper.
>Mega Khangaskhan can definitely be stopped (seriously it was NU prior to Mega evolution why ban it.)
So fuck what? Blaziken was UU before it went ubers in Gen 5. Cloyster was NU before it got Shell Smash. Also, see the comment about Blaziken and replace Talonflame and Azumarill with Ghosts and Rocky Helmet.
>Does Smogon really expect us to believe shit like Mega Charizard or Mega Ampharos will make the cut after these bans?
Charizard X is a better dragon dancer than Salamence. And there's plenty of good Megas, try out a Lucario or a Mawile or shit.
>when someone's rating a Wi-Fi team it will be hillarious
>I.... I just hate how anyone who plays on Wi-Fi treats the Smogon tiers as gospel when it's going to ruin Mega Evolutions.
>implying you have to follow smogon rules
>implying everyone does
top kek
This thread is fucking terrible and you should feel terrible for making it OP.