>>45651926>Favorite pokemonAlola Vulpix
>Favorite LegendaryOriginal Regi Trio
>Favorite type in generalIce probably despite how shit it is.
>What are you currently writingNothing.
>What are you currently readingAll the big names I ignored.
>Ashes of the PastHas not aged well but still worth reading.
>TravelerRough as hell start and not as good as it was hyped. Still pretty good and I'm going to finish it though.
>ChallengerBetter than I expected
>Borne of CautionLives up to its hype and I'm pissed there isnt more. I'm even more pissed that it raised the bar and makes me enjoy others less.
>Journey of the GuardianHave to shut my brain off to enjoy it but otherwise okay. Better than I expected.
>Welcome to the (insane) world of PokémonLegitimately awful. I dont understand how this is popular at all.
>Hope and dreams for Gen 9Already given up hope.
>Favorite SpinoffSnap
>Worst gen8 easily.
>Do you have imposter syndrome?Without a doubt.