Quoted By:
>Streak 42 in battle tree
>That famous scientist with 98% win rate that I saw from some of the thread in here pops up
>He send out Virizion
>Managed to get it to red but focus blast my paper fan to oblivion
>His next is Azelf and took down my Fini with lucky crit zen headbutt
>Manage to get rid it but with stamina Mudslale
>His last is out Suicune
I... give up, /vp/. I know my team is shit but this is the first time I managed to get to 40 streaks after getting my ass rekt 20 times at 30ish streaks. I tried to get gud but maybe it wasn't good enough.
So here I am, /vp/. Caving in for suggestion of team building for battle tree.
Please share your most optimum team with me /vp/. I'm sure there are other in here who are strugglling to beat it.
I haven't tried double since I can't stand playing with 3 FPS all the time but you're welcome to post for double as well.
A bonus if you could post battle royal team as well.