>Against Iris.>Sneed v. Fraxure>Sneed lives a crit Assurance, WoW in return. Then 1hko's with Hex.>NIGRAS v. Druddigron. Poison Gem'd Poison Jab does 50% + poison. Drud revenge'd but it did nothing.>Heal SNEED in the following turn. And then 2hko Drud (Iris hyper potion'd it in between.)>Sneed v. Haxorus (D-danced twice) but thanks to his burn he didn't even do 15% 3hko with Shadowballin and Hex.I just. I fucking love Sneed now. wtf
>>38561006>Has musclesHe gay lmao.
How good is Drowzee? I never seem to catch those longnosers.