I'd definitely say that this was the most unique roster I came up with in these games so far. A lot of pokemon I've always skipped on or never used are here. I already posted my thoughts with the game itself here
>>56170805, but as for the pokemon themselves, which I'm honestly only here for, they were great or atleast fun to use.
>ChestnaughtWeaker than I remembered. It's got a nasty quad weakness like torterra, except even more common, but it has good defensive bulk and goes great with Rocky Helmet. Will forever be a travesty that it and Spiky Shield can't combo into eachother, Gamefreak pls fix
>AzumarillCapital B Busted in gen 6. There's absolutely nothing it can't hit, and Power-Up-Punch is hilariously easy to set up. The additional Fairy type makes it even stronger. Luv me aquarabbit
>MalamarSuffers from the first two acronym letters of SFMA, but it has a good ability and a move to capitalize off of it. Really weird and situational, but quad weakness to bug is devastating
>AerodactylGlad I could finally use this one. Frailer than I thought it would be, but I love a Rock/Flying speed demon.
>GarchompWhat really needs to be said here? Pain in the ass to raise like all psuedos, but the reward is mighty. All I ask for is Dragon Rush to stop fucking missing
>MagnetonExtremely reliable. It really hurts losing the Dark and Ghost resists from Steel type, but electricity and speed control is always welcome in my book. Eviolite privilege while not having to worry about pressing B after every fight is worth something. It's pretty much perfect the way it is