>>45891075>apart from 50% of the world's populationYou killed yourself there, yes, you make half of the world, that means only you like yourself, everyone else hates you.
You think really big of yourselves, but you are apart from the real world, you don't understand how the great wall of china works. Theres is the World and then there is China and India, you are OUTSIDE the real world, not a part of.
>Is America loved everywhere?You mean the US of A or the continent?
The answer is yes to both.
>>45891117>a partnership between TPC and a Chinese publisher was made to create Pokémon Unite, the first game aimed completely at the Chinese public.A reskined Arena of Valor, and made as far away as they could from the real Pokemon franchise.
>Hey, you want Pokemon? Have this and shut your asses.>and the Japanese are bound to want to attack this new and very profitable clienteleAs i said, they have ways to milk the cow without completely fucking their franchise, thats why you got Diablo Inmortal instead of Diablo 4, and shitty reskined Poke games instead of full releases.
And even that way, they got pummed by the public outside your country.
>This example completely destroys your argument explaining that there will never be Chinese inspirations in a Japanese game, that's wrong.Cites 1980 franchise varely based on a Chinese legend, that in the early 90s got completly scrapped and rewritten (Z, Namek Saga). And that today has nothing to do with the original idea (Super).
And again, this is not the 80s, where China craze was big, with Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee.
Today the sole name of China and communism makes everyone lose their mind.
>Im frenchNo you are not, say hi to uncle Xi the Pooh
Enjoy nice picrel and fuck off to