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ITT: Retards arguing over things they don't quite understand
Are IVs annoying? Sure. But I have no doubt that GF will make them easier in time.
You know what? Natures and EVs were probably more of a pain in than IVs were in Gen III. It's only that these two got major quality of life updates that IVs didn't.
Wanted a certain nature in RSFRLG? Good luck, since you needed to breed and hope you got the right one. Did it have an ability that it did not want? SOL. GF added Everstone breeding in Emerald for 50% nature passing, then upgraded that to 100% in later games. They also added Synchronizers in Emerald. So this became a non-issue over time.
EVs are similar. If you wanted to EV train a Pokémon in RSFRLG the quickest you could do was 63 kills with PokéRus and Macho brace. Wanted to check EVs? Nope. Wanted to reset EVs? Nope. Emerald added EV reset berries. DP added Power Items, XY added reset bags and a way to check your EVs (though in a roundabout way) and capped it off at 252.
IVs meanwhile passed 3 from either parent since the very start of Gen III and almost nothing changed. Emerald added the IV checker, DP added a HP checker and Pt added Power item breeding to guarantee one set IV would be passed on but this was essentially it. XY added Destiny Knot and 3 guaranteed flawless IVs for legendaries and this was the first meaningful change for it. I have no doubt in my mind GF will continue to streamline the process.