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PU suspect: Cameruptite: DO NOT BAN
This was a close vote, but in the end the PU Council voted not to ban Cameruptite. Mega-Camerupt is an extremely threatening wallbreaker, being able to 2HKO most of the tier with its STAB moves alone. It has good bulk and a decent enough defensive typing that it isn't easy to take out in one or even two hits. It's also immune to Electric attacks and isn't deterred by Knock Off, both very valuable assets. Mega-Camerupt makes stall a very difficult playstyle to use, although not impossible. With the tier being so offensively oriented though, Mega-Camerupt ends up having a bit more difficulty pulling its weight. With a terrible base 20 Speed, the only way it would ever go first is on a Trick Room team, which isn't a very easy playstyle to use. It's typing also has an Achilles Heel in Water attacks, which can usually OHKO it. Since it will almost always go after the opponent, it will either have to force the opponent out or else tank a hit before it can attack. This does make Mega-Camerupt easy to wear down, and while it will almost always manage at least one KO per battle, it will usually have to switch out or be sacrificed immediately afterwards. Perhaps in the future, it will be revisited as the metagame changes.
While absurdly devastating in the right circumstances, the PU Council decided that there was enough doubt that Cameruptite will not be banned this suspect round.
I for one welcome Camerupt as our new worst mega ever