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The sound of the crowds cheering was muffled, but not quite muted by the cement of the
locker room that Cynthia found herself in. A small smile was on her glossy lips as she let out a
breath. She had beaten every challenger that had approached her that evening in the year's
biggest set of battles that the Pokemon League was hosting.
But while she had lived up to the audience’s expectations, there were still more trainers
to train, and as such, her time in the locker room was nothing but a small breather, before
returning to the battle out on the well lit and freshly done up field.
Getting a swig of water from her bottle, toweling off any sweat that would make her
perfectly kept skin shine, and checking on her Pokemon, those things were what she needed to
quickly take care of.
But as she opened her locker and reached her slender fingers around the still full
container of liquid, a sound caught her attention. It was a slosh, but not quite the kind that one
would hear come from a bottle.
Pausing for a second, the black dressed woman raised her brow, setting back down her
drink, as she peered around the locker’s door to see if she could spy where the sound was
coming from.
Nothing… At least, nothing apparent to the Champion’s gaze. While she wanted to
check it up to nothing, Cynthia couldn’t just shake the odd feeling that was clinging to her skin
like the morning dew.
Closing her locker and giving the combination a quick spin, she started to walk her way
deeper into the locker room. Her immediate worry was some crazed fan that snuck into the
‘trainer’s only’ section of the venue, which made her doubly glad she closed her locker.
The further she walked through the isles of well kept metal lockers, the louder the
slopping sound got… It sounded, well, to be quite honest, disgusting. Cynthia couldn’t help
herself but let her lip curl ever so slightly at the unpleasant sound, before her eyes widened a