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I rarely pull it off, but sometimes Shedinja causes hilarious ragequits.
One kid I was up against in a rotation battle had the standard legendary/starter all-star team that all the cool kids have, and he led with Yveltal. He was spamming Oblivion Wing and took out three out of my four Pokemon, leaving only Shedinja which is Yveltal fodder. I managed to get a Toxic in on his Yveltal earlier, but it had kept up with it through Oblivion Wing healing.
Shedinja's quick claw kicked in on the first move and I used Shadow Force. Oblivion Wing missed. Then quick claw didn't work and Oblivion Wing missed again, but Shadow Force hit. And Toxic started taking huge chunks of health out. He had this one chance, this one shot to hit Shedinja and he blew it trying some other move that didn't work (I forget which). One Shadow Force + two Toxic hits later and Yveltal was out. As soon as Yveltal fainted, CONNECTION ERROR.
I don't even know why they quit. They had their whole party left and just needed one move to win. I couldn't stop laughing, though. I wish I could save replays of disconnects.