>>27153798Once again, I invite everyone who shares a deep, profound, and intellectual hatred for Greninja in any manner to share with me your additional contentions so that I may add them to this document. While you are at it, post pictures of Greninja in a poor state. I will tolerate him or her (the latter being preferred given the context of this and following threads) being humiliated, bullied, dehumanized (or perhaps dePokemonized) tortured physical and emotionally, in a miserable or overwhelmingly taxing situation, and overall being degraded into the destructive and tasteless creature it always was by those who have a more vulgar hatred of the Pokémon. The degradation of Froakie and Frogadier is also permitted, but keep in mind that they are not essential to the theme of this thread.
To those supporters of Greninja, either give me serious and intellectual refutations of this interpretation, or else go back to your anime hugbox. “Haters gonna hate” is only a pulpit for your indifference to the world, its capacity for achieving desirable things and its glories that result from it.
Thank you to all those who have read even partially into what I have to say. Even a single change of heart is enough to justify my effort.