Quoted By:
"The Effort-o-Meter:
Understand your Pokémon’s stats at a glance with the Effort-o-Meter! Check a Pokémon’s Effort-o-Meter graph on the Super Training main screen to get a quick and easy look at how your Pokémon has grown.
Each Pokémon has some stats that will grow more easily than others and some stats that will take more work to raise. The inside (green) part of the Effort-o-Meter graph shows the stat levels relevant to each Pokémon species. The outside (yellow) part of the graph shows the base stat increases that your Pokémon has achieved through Super Training. There is a limit to how much any single Pokémon can increase its base stats through training. The meter on the right side of the screen illustrates that limit.
Each stat, such as HP and Attack, has its own effect on battle, as described below.
HP: This is your Pokémon’s health. If your Pokémon’s HP falls to 0, it will faint.
Attack: This stat affects how much damage a Pokémon can deal to opponents using physical moves.
Defense: This stat affects how much damage a Pokémon takes from an opponent’s physical moves.
Sp. Atk: This stat affects how much damage a Pokémon can deal to opponents using special moves.
Sp. Def: This stat affects how much damage a Pokémon takes from an opponent’s special moves.
Speed: This stat affects which Pokémon gets to act first in battle."
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