>>50518570Whatever is going on here, I'm not sure I want to stick around and find out firsthand. Quickly, I pack my stuff away for the night and start heading back towards the gate. As soon as I step off the path, that same low growl rings out once more as a figure emerges from the bushes and stops me in my tracks. It's a Houndoom! The moonlight reflects off her deep black fur like obsidian while her breath leaves her mouth in visible puffs of smoke. To make things worse, there's even more snarling coming from all sides—I'm surrounded here! There are three more, all standing there on alert, waiting for me to make a move.
Without thinking, I drop my bag to the floor and start bolting out of trouble as fast as my legs can carry me. The Houndoom closest to me gives chase as well; she's fast, much faster than I expected, much faster than I am. When I reach the gate, I start climbing, but before I can make it very far, an unfathomable searing pain shoots through my calf—she's got me!
The Pokemon clamps her jaws around my leg, trying to pull me down towards her. I'm hanging on for dear life, but my grip is already starting to falter and I can hear the fabric of my pants tearing under the canine assault. The other three Houndooms are snarling and barking along as they watch the show, waiting for their precious turn.
A loud ripping sound fills the air. My pants can't handle the strain anymore, and they're torn right from my waist, leaving my lower half exposed to the night air. I'm not sure I can handle much more either, my grip is slowly loosening as the pain shooting up my leg reaches a melting point. With one last desperate tug, the Pokemon pulls as hard as she can, sending me tumbling to the ground in a heap.
There's blood spilling down my leg, pooling around the floor and staining my boxers crimson as I lay slumped up against the gate.