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The battling works pretty nice. You don't have to go anywhere specific to battle either.
You wouldn't really need to transport over any Pokemon. If you want something really specific, as long as it's not a legendary. You can probably find one right here fairly quickly.
I don't know if anyone has told you about wondertrade yet, but you can come across some really cool stuff with it. (It's a random trade with someone else across the world btw)
The postgame is subpar in this game, but it really depends on how much you enjoy just battling. If you really like Pokemon go for it, but considering that you probably don't frequent /vp/ I'd wait until the inevitable third version/DLC or just next Gen.
Depending on what else you like the 3DS is getting better titles recently.
Like Weegee Mansion Deux, Animals Crossin, Bravely Default, and as you mentioned the Zelda game. The remake titles are nice, but not worth buying a system over just a bonus if you decide to.