r8 team 4 endless, my last run wiped on 2k because i wasn't focused enough on getting a metal burster going
>>55938624i don't like it, it sometimes blocks the sprites of taller mons
>>55942155i'm an rare egg move up gacha enjoyer
>>55942339>arena effectsrocks are busted in classic what r u talking about lol. unless you're referring to weather?
>Also means that it's difficult to catch pokemon, since if you're powerful enough to progress the stages you're too strong to damage them without killing themdifficulty =/= bad methinks, even if it's about catching
>Can't hover over to see what moves doyeah some of these moves are fucking weird, i'm used to the ones i'd see on showdown or in mainline but freezy frost? zippy zap? FLORAL HEALING???
>Luck system is absolutely retardedi like it actually. yes it incentivizes using shitters. that's the entire point
>Almost zero progression between runs,both not true and not important
>>55942517aegislash that pokemon is broken as balls
>>55942562i'm pretty sure its first form has flamethrower instead of dynamax cannon but i might be bugging