>>37149187yeah, but I feels that comparing to Machamp when the artstyles may as well be associated is pretty unfair. Incineroar doesn't even look out of place with most of the Alola dex, it's that the dex look out of place with most other dexes in the series. I feel like judging him base don his own merits is much more fair than basing him on the merits of another artstyle.
Also,If I may comment on your take, I'm not feeling the tail much. It looks more like a flaming rope around his waist then a wrestler's belt. I also feel like the fur pattern is too literal, with Incineroar most people don't even get that his chest is supposed to look like a ripped shirt, but your design really makes him look too human with the leotard and gloves (this is a problem I have with a lot of mons actually. from the obvious of Machamp and Jynx, to ones like M-Lopunny, so maybe I'm just picky). Also the white fur comes a bit out of nowhere, and you don't really seem to have done anything with the fire bell sac either. I don't feel like you expanded on the fur standing on end and igniting either (Incinceroar does this, as shown in his attack animation where the belt flares out, showing the same spikes from litten's attack animation, pretty much confirming his belt is made of ignited fur)