>>17759704I was straight up addicted to 4chan when I was 18. Like, I would literally get upset if I couldn't get ahold of it. I really needed that 'safe spot' to not have to be anyone or do anything, and just to kind of barf out all my feelings and stuff to the void because I felt like they were too much for anyone else- like the people I knew couldn't possibly understand.
It was definitely a big ol' security blanket.
This is going to make me sound like the biggest sap, but the people I've run into on 4chan really do mean more to me than most of the 'friends' I have listed on fagbook. Like- I literally care about most Anons and I like to see you all feeling okay.
BUT ANYWAY- I only tripfag on this board because I think it's fun, and I get to fill a niche every once in a while. I think people overreact to me sometimes, but that's what they've been taught to do, and it's whatever.
>>17759912Yeah. I guess what I'm getting at is there's always a group of people bitching about how bad things are now and how great they used to be- when things were never all that great in the first place.