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this is what happens with jwittz. i have included a photo of myself so you know that this is true and not someone trolling.
on october 19 2013 jjizz posted a video to youtube called "top creepiest pokemon things" or something like that. in this video he contains copyrighted video footage from Pokemon XY. he did NOT work on Pokemon XY or ANY OF THE POKEMON GAMES. i sent him a private message saying he did not work on these games and he should be absolutely ashamed of himself for trying to tell people that he made pokemon xy. no reply. i send it agian. no reply. i send it again - and demand his email address. he gives me his email address. i email it to him, letting him know what a huge piece of shit he is. how many peoples work he has shit over by saying he made pokemon xy. thats when he did it - he literalyl began to upload pokemon xy to youtube. im not fucking with you. i'm not going to link his channel but its all there. its still there. he is actually trying to show that he made pokemon xy.