Lost my previous save file in Red+, so I had to start over. This time we went with Bulbasaur, as you'd expect Brock was pretty easy. Harder than vanilla Red, since Phys/Spec split is a thing here, but it still wasn't close. Also got a Nidoran male this time, so that's cool.
>>57441201Cozy team! Best advice I have is just to know the fights well, and optimize for defense over offense. Obviously don't punt offense entirely, but it's more important to stay alive than to just bulldoze everything. For Ultra Necrozma, just cheese it, you're gonna eat shit if you don't.
>>57440174Bagon and Honedge catches, hell yeah.
>>57436469Yeah, that looks like a Norman fight gone poorly. You still have some good stuff to pull from in your box at least, with Tentacool/Gyarados and Taillow. Sucks about Zangoose though, that's always a fun catch to have.