After spending some time training up our new team members, we finally take on Byron! Youtube Studio seemed like she'd be the best candidate for the fight, but unfortunately she ends up getting cherry tapped by Byron's Bronzor, who manages to live a Surf on what has to be 1HP, TWICE, and landing Hypnosis and Confuse Ray several times. It's up to Grunkle McStunkle to clean up, and so he does, managing to sweep the entire rest of the battle singlehandedly.
I like the look of our current team a lot, despite my intense apathy towards the Starly line, but after someone pointed out that my teams are almost always 50/50 split between male and female, now I'm getting superstitious and start to worry that something is gonna befall one of the girls since the ratio is off. Hopefully I'm proven wrong, but it has happened before
>>54487885Personally I don't, but then again I'm incredibly lax when it comes to capture rules, I like having more options and would rather restrict myself harder battle-wise to compensate
>>54487530King Kush's bio had me worried there for a sec, not gonna lie
>>54487230Incredibly flavorful team, love it
Best of luck against the league!